Calling all Chameleon users interested in reproducibility! The Chameleon team will host a Practical Reproducibility for Computer Science Hackathon, taking place on June 29, at 11:00 PT, at ACM REP ‘23 at Baskin Engineering 2 – Room E2-599 in UC Santa Cruz. For more information, please see here. The hackathon can be attended both online and in person – please, check the conference website for registration details.
The hackathon will consist of a tutorial followed by unstructured time in which the attendees can either reproduce existing experiments from a list of reproducible experiment on Trovi or participate in a “reproducibility clinic” allowing them to partially or fully package their own experiments or other experiments of interest with the help of the organizing team. The tutorial part will cover how to package experiments on Chameleon so that they are easy to reproduce. We will teach the attendees about tools and services Chameleon provides to share experiments, including our integration with JupyterHub, Chameleon daypass, as well as Trovi. The tutorial will also cover the existing experiment patterns available via Trovi representing common elements of experimental configurations such as e.g., configure storage with RAID, NFS, or RDMA, and stitching networks at layer 2. The tutorial will be followed by free form interactions with the Chameleon team discussing challenges of packaging or reproducing specific experiments, requirements for reproducibility platform, and hands on support of reproducibility related tasks.