We are happy to announce that the Chameleon team is coming to USENIX ATC/OSDI 2023! We will host two Bird-of-Feather (BoF) sessions on practical reproducibility of one hour each. They will be held on Monday, July 10th and Tuesday, July 11th in the 7-10PM time slot with more specific time and place to be announced at the event.
Attendees will learn about how to package their experiments on the bare metal reconfigurable Chameleon open platform specifically configured to support computer science research. We will also demonstrate how to use Trovi, a repository of digital experiments represented as compute capsules, i.e., integrating computation and hardware. During this hackathon session, audience can choose various reproducing/packaging activities, from the simple to the complex:
- Boot up existing base experiment setups/patterns.
- Boot up basic storage research experiment setups (e.g., RAID, NFS, PM, RDMA, and others TBA)
- Reproduce various existing experiments that have been packaged on Chameleon Trovi
- Package a new experiment from a published paper or an existing benchmark
- If you’re a ATC/OSDI author in the last three years, we encourage you to try packaging your experiments on Chameleon – we will help!
- Package a new experiment related to your ongoing research
After the event, participants can share their packaged experiments to their own community so that other researchers can reproduce their experiments (and potentially cite their work). We would also love to interview you about your experience and share it with others via our blog!
If you would like to know more about Chameleon Cloud before the event, please check out these videos:
- Chameleon introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eGKmBRVbK8
- Trovi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kXNibXcC6U
Please, register early so that we can have a good overview of how much space we need. The announcement below answers questions.
- Day 1, Monday, July 10th, Time TBA, Room TBA
- Slack channel for Day 1: TBA
- Day 2, Tuesday, July 11th, Time TBA, Room TBA
- Slack channel for Day 2: TBA
How to join?
- Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/nc2dKXf313dxN8D59
- You can just simply come to the tutorial session without any preparation. However if you want to get the most out of it, please take a minute to create/activate your Chameleon account: https://chameleoncloud.org/log
- Join us in the slack channels (see the links above)
- And then just come to one of the sessions.
Who will lead the event?
- Dr. Kate Keahey (Chameleon Cloud PI)
- Michael Sherman (Chameleon Cloud Developer)
- Ruidan Li and Meng Wang, students of Prof. Haryadi Gunawi (Univ. of Chicago)
- Prof. Huaicheng Li (Virginia Tech)
Any Questions?
- Please leave a comment!