The REPETO project invites FAST attendees to join our BoF sessions to learn about how to package their storage research experiments on the NSF-funded Chameleon platform, one of the largest academic clouds. Chameleon is an open platform which means that the hardware resources you use for your experiments will also be available to anybody who wishes to reproduce your experiment — all they will need is a packaging of the experiment itself! We will teach the audience about tools and services Chameleon provides to share experiments, including the platform’s integrated JupyterHub, Chameleon daypass, which allows you to give access to the testbed to anybody who wants to reproduce your experiment, as well as Chameleon Trovi, a sharing portal that allows you to share digital research and education artifacts, such as packaged experiments, workshop tutorials, or class materials.
During this hackathon session, audience can choose various reproducing/packaging activities, from the simplest to the most complex, for example:
- How to use existing base experiment setups/patterns to get started with your experimentation quickly
- How to leverage experiment patterns designed specifically for storage experiments (e.g., RAID, NFS, PM, RDMA, —- TBA)
- Reproduce various existing experiments that have been packaged on Chameleon Trovi
- Package a new experiment from a published paper or an existing benchmark
- If you’re a FAST 2023 author, we encourage you to try packaging your experiments on Chameleon so that others can use them
- Package a new experiment related to your ongoing research
After the event, participants can share their packaged experiments with their own community so that other researchers can reproduce their experiments (and potentially cite their work).
- Day 1, Tuesday, February 21st, 7pm, Central Room
- Slack channel for Day 1: #fast23-bof-central-tue1
- Day 2, Wednesday, February 22nd, 7pm, Central Room
- Slack channel for Day 2: #fast23-bof-central-wed1
How do I register?
Please, register at this link:
How to join?
- Please take a minute to create/activate your Chameleon account:
- Please fill this form:
- Join us in the slack channels (see the links above)
- And then just come to our sessions.
Who will lead the event?
- Prof. Haryadi Gunawi (Univ. of Chicago) and his group (Ray Andrew and Roy Huang)
- Dr. Kate Keahey (Chameleon Director)
- Mark Powers (Chameleon Developer)
- Prof. Carlos Maltzahn (UC Santa Cruz)
If you would like to know more about Chameleon Cloud before the event, please check out these videos:
- Chameleon introduction:
- Trovi:
Any Questions?
- Please contact us on the slack channels #fast23-bof-central-tue1 or #fast23-bof-central-wed1